Porsche On Ramp With Bonnet Open at CCM Garage


At CCM we have the correct specialist diagnostic equipment to allow us to successfully carry out the required routine automatic gearbox oil changes.

All Porsche’s old and new will need an automatic gearbox oil change within the 60 – 70,000 mile range and each 60,000 miles after. At CCM we also offer a full workshop capability for service, repair, brakes and tyres on all makes and models of Porsche servicing many happy clients across Surrey & Sussex.


At CCM we offer automatic gearbox oil servicing for all makes and models of Porsche, we have the correct diagnostic equipment to assist the correct work process and are happy to help Porsche drivers old and new across Surrey & Sussex.

CCM can offer full workshop capability for Porsche’s old and new. From an MOT test to a full service, through brakes and tyres we can help. If you are looking for a cost effective alternative to the Porsche main dealer then look no further.

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